I hoped to be able to present a paper to it and sent in my request for space and the 100 word synopsis as requested. No one had had anything useful to say about transvestism in London in 1969 and I felt that it was time that someone did and hoped that I'd be allowed to do so. As it worked out I was denied the privilege on the grounds that there were "too many papers submitted", that the committee had made the selec- tions, etc., but more of that in its proper place.
The second factor was that when I was east in January at the Inst. for Sex Research I found that they were having their summer seminar the middle two weeks in July. I wanted to take that in too, so what to do with the month of August and half of September? I'd always wanted to see some of the Balkan countries so I then began a serious inquiry into what kind of tours covered this area, how long they took, when they left and from where, how much they cost and what would I do in the time before and after the tour itself. I finally found a tour that went from New York to Moscow, then to Leningrad, back to Warsaw and down through the rest of the Balkan countries ending up in Berlin on September 6 just a week before the Danish conference was to start. So because I wanted to save a little money and because someday I hope to do a lot of Russia on one whole tour I arranged to meet the tour in Warsaw and bypass the several days in Russia beforehand.
With those three things lined up, I next began the business of writing and phoning to TV stations and friends all over the country trying to line up programs, times, flights, hotels and all the rest for the intervening periods. Believe me, when I retire from Chevalier I should be pretty well qualified to work in a Travel Agency. So that was how things got started. The next big problem was planning a wardrobe that could be stuffed in ONE suitcase, weighing less than 45 lbs. which would provide me with clothes to travel in, sightsee in, go to parties, make appearances, give lectures and do it in both hot and cold climates and at the same time have everything washable. If I do say so myself I know something about feminine wardrobes, conservation of space, doubling up on acces- sories, crush resistance, washability, non-ironing fabrics, etc. Anyway, I did it as those with whom I stayed at various places can attest.
So now to the trip itself . . .
FRIDAY, JULY 14 — To Berkeley to interview and stay overnight with an interesting new sister just surfacing in her fifties.